Monopoly is my favorite board game

I have a LOT of Monopoly sets. I collect different ones. I added this one to my collection tonight. I found it at Goodwill for only $2!

I've got it now!

I think I finally got the idea of how to post in Evernote and post it at my little blog. I’m going to post this now to make sure it’s working. Wish me luck!

UPDATE. It worked! LOL!

Let's see here....

So, I set this up three years ago and I haven’t done anything with it. LOL. I am blogging pretty consistently over at Typepad. I usually post everyday. Http://


I have no idea what I am doing. lol I created the post in my notebook, but so far it isn't showing up as synced or published.


Okay, so I found this really cool site that lets me use my Evernote notebooks as a journal. I'm testing it out to see how I like it. I have been all over the web looking for a great site to blog from. This could be handy because I have Evernote on my phone. I'm going to publish this first post and see how it looks.